What we aspire at end is peace.
Whole of eastern philosophy would drive you inside to find it. Yes there is a wrapper around this philosophy that might seem like an fancy cover due to which we might find it weird or difficult to get into core of it. This fancy cover is the whole environment that encompass things called, Pooja, Vrata, Homa, Yagna etc.
But the core of this topic is to look at Eligibility vs Aspiration so let's not go inside now itself.
The complexity of this philosophy is the reason outsiders convinced a great section of Indian population to adapt certain method of education.
Again discussing the education system is also a de-tour to central topic.
But everyone aspire peace and most of them find peace in capability to be able to have enough resources to meet any needs planned unplanned. Major part of that resource is Money.
As this piece is being written in 2025 let's consider 25 it is product of two 5s, so could be case with the resource if we are really taught to multiply it, and it is evident most of us can't multiply the resource as easily as we do it with the number.
We cannot do means we are not eligible to do so.
When one who is not eligible starts to handle money one will impact self, if its head of family the family is impacted, if its the head of a team set out to achieve task the task itself is under threat.
Who will tell if one is eligible no one would be able to judge.
One with aspiration without eligibility dives into any task is bound to do two things.
Sink to bottom or to strive and swim across. This might sound obvious but unless one always keeps this in mind and keep reviewing it for oneself that person is bound to create a bit of unrest.
Now comes the biggest challenge where one who is not eligible is out on a mission and is also aspiring and worst part is a partial flow of resource opened up which one doesn't want to give up.
We find a lot of people on the face of earth in this category they don't free up the space of course they too have an ego which is schooled by the non-eastern philosophical method. And more than these kind of people we find those who suffer due to these ineligible lot.
Now can we wipe off those ? In case of a job that one can be fired, yes there is a family behind such person dependent of the flow of resources brought in but for a minute if we forget that family and want to free a team of people being effected as they are high in number, will this solve.
What if it is in case of a family member, the far we can go is not to talk to them for years together.
What route will the aspirations of these people take.
Will we get replacement to them, will that replacement be better than this one.
The probability is always 50-50.
The wonder that human has with age is to focus all the reasoning in proving their point to be correct. If they consider investing 10% of that effort in analysis toward what if there is another perspective world would be .0001% better
After this lengthy war on these ineligible aspirants should we conclude that there is no other way except they getting better on their own. Is there no solution for the so called huge population that is effected.
Well the solution that I would want to propose if from the unplanned 1st paragraph of this post going inside following eastern philosophy, can everyone reach depth of solution, we instead of saying Yes/No I would say irrespective of result one has to start off in this journey.
This is a kind of mandatory journey because everyone could be possibly that ineligible one in story of someone else.
Now you might ask, in beginning you classified the one giving me trouble into a group and me into victim lot and now you are merging all. I second you, but if you consider the following point you may say yes I agree the merger.
The whole aspect of someone else causing us trouble is created by our brain. The main reasons for this are the conditioning from past, framework with which that relation is acting now.
Both are concrete and you allowing them to cause pain is main issue that is not allowing you to focus on main topic of find a solution to issue if one is there.
So dear victim you too have a flow of resource which you want to continue
There will always be someone who is clearly ineligible of his current position and is not open to learn the art of adjusting in that role
But the clear solution is to clear your mind and proceed in the main path you always want to be on the path of peace.
May that peace lead you to true eternal bliss.